I'm a believer that all media outlets display some form of bias. Of course some of these displays are more subtle than others. Unfortunately, sometimes a writer or reporter will go out of their way to make a statement. Let's take Susan Roesgen as the latest example of this kind of behavior.
Susan was sent to cover the "Tea Party" rally that took place in Chicago. Susan became the story when she lost her mind, or perhaps it was the affects of the lobotomy, when she antagonized the crowd with her mindless questions, constant interruptions, lunatic inferences, and overall bias approach to covering a story.
The best part of this entire story, and by best I mean the gheyest, is not in that video. Susan closed one of the segments by saying that she only saw 1 black person at this protest rally. Now, I wasn't there so I don't know how many black protesters there were. I honestly don't know why that's even relevant. It's certainly a wonderful thing that a reporter, especially one as dumb as Susan, would besmirch the character of all those who participated in this protest, and also infer that these participants are racists.
Of course, she wasn't the only one who thought such a thing. Susan now joins the ranks of such mental pygmies as Janeane Garofalo and Keith Olbermann. Janeane went on record when she stated "This [The "Tea Party Rally"] is about hating a black man in the White House...That is nothing but a bunch of Tea Bagging rednecks". Mr. Olbermann agreed with her, which is not difficult to believe since they share a brain.
Susan, please do the world a favor and get a lobotomy. Oh, while you're at it, get your tubes tied as well, you sanctimonious windbag hack. Now that I think about it, perhaps all the normal thinking people of this country can donate money to the "Get Susan, Janeane, and Keith a lobotomy" fund. Actually, now that I think about it, could we even tell after the surgery is performed?
By the way, I found out some interesting news concerning Susan Roesgen. Mrs. Rosegen was apparently rejected not once but twice by Fox News. Perhaps this better explains her little rant against Fox News (which I do not watch)? Well, either way I'm all for helping her out. Never let it be said that a conservative does not care about their follow "man".