Protest, rebellion, and grass roots movements are words you would most likely associate with the liberal left. More likely than not, the typical American protester is a long haired, kindred spirit of the 60's who may be found wearing a Che' Guevara t-shirt, while holding an anti-establishment sign.
But not today. Not this April 15th, otherwise known as Tax Day. Today, in hundreds of rallies across America, there was a different type of protester, one most American's would hardly recognize. Today, for the first time since I can remember, it was the American middle class, along with those who do not like the direction that the current Obama Administration is taking with taxes and spending, that finally decided to stand up and say they have had enough.
Though this latest entry into the protest arena didn't seem centrally organized, they certainly turned out in masses in "Tax Tea Parties" across America. Tea Parties meant to protest the alarming way in which today's US government is spending money.
Though many a member of the press would have you believe that this recent grass roots movement is nothing but the brain child of the Republican party or of at least a few conservative radio talk show hosts, most of today's protesters would strongly disagree. Their unison cry seem to cut across political party lines as if to say, "this is not a Republican or Democrat issue, this is an American issue, and we as American's are tired of being ripped off by politicians. Politicians who mimicking days of old, are happy to taxes us without a single thought of really representing us!"
The movement will mostly likely be brushed aside by the White House and the Obama administration, who are too busy touting tax cuts for the American working class and the poor, to really pay attention, It may not even get the attention of the Republican Party, whose members are enveloped in their own search for direction and true leadership, to capitalize on this growing sentiment of "taxation without representation." But rest assure the event will not be lost on the American middle class, who has now tipped-toed clumsily but determined into this sphere of politics. So move over animal lovers, tree huggers, and retro child of the 60's, there is a new kid in town, and he is ready to stand tall and protest a different kind of away government spending.